
wallfarmers(dot)ca is a Canadian website featuring emerging, mid-career, and established artists who understand the meaning of urban/contemporary/real art in all aspects while maintaining their underground edge.  As there are many artists pushing forward through graffiti, skate art, comics, and pop culture, wallfarmers(dot)ca aim to get them all in one place like some video/paint brush/camera/spray-can wet dream.

Recently, to celebrate the 3000th tweet through their Twitter presence, they had a quick competition asking followers to send in their most detailed stick-person drawing.  I submitted a quick five-minute sketch of a stick figure riding a bicycle, and was judged the winner.  About a week later, I received the awesome sticker pack pictured below as my prize.

Please check out wallfarmers(dot)ca - they feature some cool art and are themselves cool people.

Wallfarmers Sticker Pack, originally uploaded by Nightwyrm X.