Points of Language

There are some examples of language used nowadays that really irk the shit out of me.
  • Naming a scandal by putting "-gate" at the end of a word.  Let's face it... Watergate was the name of the hotel, Whitewatergate was a clever play on words, anything afterwards is just being an unimaginative dick. E.g. Corngate?  Give me a break!
  • Calling a cycle race "Tour de [insert name]" when it's in a non-French speaking country.  "Tour de Vines" is dickish, "Martinborough Cycle Race" is not.
  • Hyphenating the word "email".  Come on people, it's the 2000s now, drop the hyphen.
  • Pretentiously telling people they can't use the Oxford Comma.  It is a perfectly legitimate grammatical device, and we can't help it if our sentences look better than yours.
  • Using "like" more than a couple of times in a sentence.  Die, valley girl, die.
  • People who don't know how to swear properly.  Good for you for having a go, but you come across about as cool as a dad hanging around a teenagers' party.
What points of language set you off?